Wendy's Serving Up a Side of Appalachian Destruction

As if you needed another reason to avoid fatty "fast food", it seems that Wendy's is inexplicably taking a stand in support of mountaintop removal coal minining. 

Apparently, at least 35 of the company’s restaurants in the Appalachian region display Friends of Coal signs to show their support of this extreme form of strip mining, which is ravaging the landscape, polluting waterways and destroying the quality of life for those living in the coalfields.

If this strikes you as ridiculous and wrong, then by all means forgo those Frosty's and make your voice heard by signing this petition.  It only takes a moment to show your support for the mountains.  Here's what I told the company:

"As someone who loves mountains, I just can't abide a company that sides with Big Coal in blowing up the Appalachians, wrecking natural resources, endangering the health and safety of local residents, and leaving communities impoverished and polluted.  Until Wendy's stops the anti-environmental politicization of its business, my family and I will be buying our burgers elsewhere."

(Photo: Mykl Roventine/Flickr)