California Clean Cars Program will benefit drivers

I thought I would quickly post some answers to some basic questions that have come up today as the media and others have reacted to the President's announcement today.

First, drivers in the states with the California Clean Cars Program will benefit tremendously in reduced fuel costs. The best analysis currently is probably a study done for the Florida Department of Environmental Protection for their recent regulatory adoption proceedings. This study estimated, at $3.15/gallon gasoline, that drivers will save from $1000 to $2300 over a ten year vehicle life (or $100 to $230 per year). Moreover, the slightly higher costs of the technology pay for itself in 1 to 3 years, depending on the vehicle type. Below are some results from the more detailed document from the Florida study:


 10-year NPV (cost savings)

Small car =                  $1079             3 year payback

Large Car =                 $1579             1 year payback

Minivan =                    $1445              2 year payback

Small Truck/SUV =    $2294             1 year payback

Large Truck/SUV =    $1595              2 year payback


Second, there are 14 states plus D.C. that currently have fully adopted the California Clean Cars program with another four states that are in the process of adopting. The 14 states represent at least 37 percent of the nation's vehicle population. Add the four states in the process raises the level to 46.5 percent of the vehicle population. There are several more states that have been debating the program and, if they move forward, it will represent well over half the nation.


States that currently have the California Clean Cars Program

= 37% of nation's vehicle population







New Jersey

New Mexico

New York



Rhode Island



+[District of Columbia]


States in process of adopting California Clean Cars Program

= 46.5% of nation's vehicle population when added to above






If there are anymore questions, post them below, and I'll try to answer as soon as possible.