Americans Tell EPA Loud and Clear: Stop Pebble Mine

654,160 Americans told EPA to say NO to Pebble Mine.jpg

BOOM!  The comments to EPA are in, and the numbers are incredible. Hundreds of thousands of Americans spoke up and said “NO” to Pebble Mine, including 265,000 NRDC members and activists. This is an incredible outpouring of commitment to save Bristol Bay from Pebble Mine – a giant gold and copper mine proposed at the headwaters of the Bay’s famed salmon runs.   

This is a remarkable showing of support for EPA to use its power under the Clean Water Act to stop Pebble Mine. 

Given the wide-level of opposition -- coupled with EPA's findings that Pebble Mine could pose a catastrophic risk to Bristol Bay's water and salmon -- it's no surprise that Anglo American, 50% partner and principle financier of the Pebble Limited Partnership, withdrew its investment in the Pebble project today. 

Anglo American has finally recognized what NRDC, Alaska Natives, commercial fishermen, sportsmen, EPA scientists and others have known for years: Pebble Mine poses too great of a risk to Bristol Bay.  It is a bad investment with environmental, financial, operational,  reputational, social, regulatory, and legal risks.  Mitsubishi realized it in 2011 when it divested 100% of its interest in the Pebble project.  Anglo American just realized it.  Hopefully all future would-be investors in Pebble Mine will realize it too.

Thanks to everyone who has sent petitions of protest to Anglo American. And thanks to everyone who commented to EPA.  Let’s use this momentum —and the muscle of public outcry—in Washington, D.C. and abroad to permanently protect  Bristol Bay from large-scale mining like Pebble Mine.   Click here to tell EPA to Stop Pebble Mine.