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Director Rob Stewart set out to make a new movie to save sharks. Then the acclaimed director of Sharkwater, a 2007 documentary about shark finning, realized that it’s not just about fighting to save sharks.  It’s about fighting to save our entire planet. Revolution, his latest film, captures our fight for the future and is playing this Saturday at the D.C. Environmental Film Festival.


Revolution rivets the audience from the start.  It opens to stunning underwater footage of sharks – and the realization that Stewart is lost 900 miles off the coast of Equator.  In his words: “I’m in big trouble.” Our planet is in trouble, too. 


Trouble is a theme that transcends the entire film.  Revolution is an extraordinary journey that documents some of the major threats to our planet.  Overfishing. Ocean acidification.  Global warming.  Fossil fuels.  Coal. Deforestation. The Canadian tar sands.  Climate change.   


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Stewart realized there was no point in saving sharks if our oceans – and indeed planet – are headed for disaster. As he said in the film, “it’s no longer just about saving the oceans.  It’s about saving ourselves.”

Revolution is a story about the fight for our future.  It’s a story about sharks, the ocean, and climate change.  And above all, it’s a story about starting a revolution to save our planet.


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It’s a powerful movie that makes you think about the possible, not simply dwell on the inevitable.  Revolution is more than just beautiful cinema: it’s an exceptionally well made documentary that inspires action…and change. It’s moving, engaging, astonishing, and enraging.

Revolution has been a festival winner abroad and made its American debut at the Santa Barbara Film Festival to great acclaim last January.  It is showing this Saturday, March 16 at 5:15 pm at the AFI Silver Theatre in Silver Spring, Maryland.  For those of you in the D.C. area, it absolutely demands to be seen.



Photo Credit: Revolution 

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