Governor Brown's State of the State Touts California's Environmental Leadership

Governor Jerry Brown highlighted water and climate change as key issues facing California in his state of the state speech this morning. He also spoke about fiscal restraint, addressing income inequality, fixing aging infrastructure, improving health care and education for all Californians.

NRDC applauds the Governor's commitment to resolving California's complex water issues and recognizing that a wide range of new policies and investments will be required to do so. We look forward to working closely with the Governor and other decision makers to implement his vision that we can and must make the environment, cities, and farms better together by reducing water waste, capturing and reusing every precious drop of water, and taking better care of our vast, natural underground water storage systems that will be even more important in the future.


We'll also continue to work with Governor Brown and his administration to advance California's climate change policies and further our international leadership on curbing carbon pollution. The Paris Climate agreement, California's Under 2 MOU and the range of policies under the Global Warming Solutions Act (AB 32, 2006), the Clean Energy and Pollution Reduction Act (SB 350, 2015) and other landmark laws help us aggressively reduce carbon pollution, while cleaning the air, investing in communities, and improving energy efficiency throughout our economy.

With the recent announcement that 2015 was the hottest year on record, California's leadership takes on even greater importance and urgency. We must keep moving forward, showing the world that we can improve the health and well-being of all Californians by powering our economy with clean energy.


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