This Week in Whales: Dolphins Use a Wingman; Leaking Cargo Ship Threatens Killer Whales; Pygmy Sperm Whale Saved by a Hundred Volunteers...

News in the world of whales this week (or close to this week).  Apologies to TWIW readers for getting this edition out a day late and for its brevity, but I just returned from attending a meeting of the polar bear range states and am still coming up for air.  I will write more on that very interesting meeting later.  Anyway, without further ado, this week in whales…

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Meanwhile, in other news of “whales”…

Meanwhile, this week in Wales…

Lonely Planet has announced that coastal Wales is the “best region on Earth” to visit next year.  Part of the designation recognizes The All Wales Coast Path, which will squiggle continuously from Chepstow in the south to near Queensferry in the north.