Court Battles

Since our founding in 1970, NRDC has been in court defending the environment and human health. Litigation is in our DNA. 

Here, you can follow some of our landmark court battles as well as other legal advocacy, including administrative cases and amicus briefs. Whether up against a fossil fuel corporation or a government agency, NRDC will continue using facts, evidence, and the rule of law to enforce safeguards and hold polluters accountable.


Viewing 1 - 16 of 16

NRDC v. E. Scott Pruitt et al. (Neonic Pesticides)

Court CaseUnited StatesActive
Research shows neonics are highly toxic to wildlife, including key pollinators—and the EPA’s failure to act on that evidence violates the Endangered Species Act. So we’re suing.

NRDC et al. v. Dan Brouillette et al.

Court CaseUnited StatesClosed
The Trump administration’s Energy Department abandoned its obligations to review and update efficiency standards. So we sued—and won.

Migratory Bird Treaty Act Lawsuits

Court CaseUnited StatesClosed
To reinstate bedrock protections for more than 1,000 species of birds, NRDC and partners challenged a radical reinterpretation of the MBTA.

Dirty Water Rule

Court CaseUnited StatesClosed
The Trump-era rule narrowed the scope of the Clean Water Act by revoking federal protections for countless streams, wetlands, and other waters.

NRDC v. E. Scott Pruitt et al. (Enlist Duo)

Court CaseUnited StatesClosed
The EPA approved the pesticide Enlist Duo despite its serious risks to people and monarch butterflies. So NRDC challenged the EPA’s decision—and won an important victory.

The California WaterFix project

Court CaseCaliforniaClosed
The California WaterFix project was no fix at all. In a victory for the Sacramento–San Joaquin River Delta, California abandoned its two-tunnel project in May 2019.

Center for Biological Diversity et al. v. Zinke et al.

Court CaseInternational, United States, AfricaClosed
By sanctioning imports of elephant and lion trophies from Zimbabwe, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service ignored concerns about illegal poaching. NRDC and partners are fighting for these majestic animals.

Alfa International Seafood et al. v. Wilbur Ross et al.

Court CaseInternational, United StatesClosed
The National Marine Fisheries Service has a Seafood Traceability Rule that helps prevent illegal fishing and seafood fraud. When it came under attack, NRDC stepped in.

NRDC Litigation in Action