Data, Reports & Resources

NRDC is a leader and trusted source in environmental policy and research. 

From reports to issue briefs, we ensure accountability through peer review led by our Science Office, which provides data and scientific analysis that help shape and guide NRDC’s policies and positions. We also offer a range of other resources, such as 101 guides and consumer-focused scorecards to increase access to knowledge about how everyone can be a catalyst for change. 

Viewing 1 - 20 of 32

Energy-Burdened Communities Tool

MapLos Angeles, Phoenix, Houston, New Orleans, Birmingham, Atlanta, Memphis, Cincinnati, Louisville, St. Louis, Kansas City (Kansas), Chicago, Milwaukee, Flint, Buffalo, Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., Richmond (Virginia), Greensboro

Energy burden has disproportionately impacted low-income communities of color for decades. NRDC is actively working to bring justice to these communities through this mapping tool.

Waiting Game: How the Interconnection Queue Threatens Renewable Development in PJM

ReportUnited States, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, Washington, D.C.Dana Ammann
New NRDC analysis has found that even under recent reforms, the country’s largest grid operator is unlikely to approve new renewable projects quickly enough to meet even mandatory minimum state standards.

State-Based Food Waste Policy Gap Analysis and Inventory Reports

ReportMaryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Washington, D.C., Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, ColoradoDarby Hoover, Yvette Cabrera
Food waste costs the US $408 billion each year. Producing food that we do not consume swallows up roughly 18 percent of America’s cropland and 14 percent of our fresh water, and generates about 270 million metric tons CO2 equivalent…

NRDC Polling on a Potential Lead and Copper Rule

PollingIllinois, Missouri, Wisconsin
This nationwide polling survey was conducted nationally and in Illinois, Missouri, and Wisconsin on opinions on various provisions of a potential lead and copper rule. The poll was conducted in mid-October, 2022.

Engaging Health Departments: Overview Guide

OverviewUnited States, Colorado, Denver, Tennessee, Nashville, Minnesota, Minneapolis
We outline some of the ways that health inspectors can help educate food facilities on how to prevent wasted food and donate surplus.

Feeding a City: Food Waste and Food Need Across America

ReportUnited States, Denver, New York City, NashvilleAndrea Collins
The first step in reducing municipal food waste is data gathering: understanding the amounts and sources of wasted food at the local level, as well as the amounts and sources of surplus food that potentially could be rescued instead of…

Food Matters Case Studies

Case StudyBaltimore, Denver, NashvilleYvette Cabrera, Darby Hoover, Madeline Keating
NRDC and their partners’ work in Baltimore, Denver, and Nashville can help inform initiatives in other cities across the country.

Lead Pipes Are Widespread and Used in Every State

SurveyUnited States, Illinois, Ohio, Michigan, New York, New Jersey, Missouri, Wisconsin, Indiana, Texas, MinnesotaErik D. Olson, Alexandra Stubblefield
An NRDC survey estimates that there are at least 12.8 million water pipes that are, or may be, lead, spread across the entire country. Use our map to find out about your state.

Food Matters Regional Initiative

OverviewAtlanta, Baltimore, Chicago, Cincinnati, Detroit, Jersey City, Madison, Memphis, Nashville, North Carolina, Orlando, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Washington, D.C.
Cities are addressing food waste in a holistic way—through prevention, rescue, and recycling.

Installing Turbo Fladry: An Informational Guide

Issue BriefWyoming, Wisconsin, Oregon, Montana, Minnesota, Idaho, CaliforniaDr. Jennifer Sherry
Reducing the risk of wolf predation on livestock is key to ensuring both people and wolves can thrive throughout wild and working lands. Turbo fladry is a relatively simple fencing tool designed to protect livestock from wolves, that, when used…

Tackling Food Waste, Nashville-Style

Fact SheetUnited States, Tennessee, Nashville
In 2015, NRDC launched the Nashville Food Waste Initiative (NFWI) to develop high-impact policies, strategies, and practical tools to address food waste at the city level.

The Clean Power Plan and State Pathways to Cutting Carbon Pollution

Issue BriefUnited States, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Iowa, Montana, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania, VirginiaAriana Gonzalez, Ashok Gupta, Noah Long, Luis Martinez, Katharine McCormick, Walton Shepherd, Dylan Sullivan, Mark Szybist, Samantha Williams, Starla Yeh