Data, Reports & Resources

NRDC is a leader and trusted source in environmental policy and research. 

From reports to issue briefs, we ensure accountability through peer review led by our Science Office, which provides data and scientific analysis that help shape and guide NRDC’s policies and positions. We also offer a range of other resources, such as 101 guides and consumer-focused scorecards to increase access to knowledge about how everyone can be a catalyst for change. 

GGRF SFA Overview & What Now - May 2024 (PDF)

This is an overview of the Solar for All (SFA) program under the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF). The overview also includes specific actions advocates, community-based organizations and project developers, state and local governments, and philanthropy...

GGRF NCIF Overview & What Now - May 2024 (PDF)

This is an overview of the National Clean Investment Fund (NCIF) program under the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF). The overview also includes specific actions advocates, community-based organizations and project developers, state and local governments, and...

GGRF CCIA Overview & What Now - May 2024 (PDF)

This is an overview of the Clean Communities Investment Accelerator (CCIA) program under the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF). The overview also includes specific actions advocates, community-based organizations and project developers, state and local governments, and...

NRDC WaPo Ad 45V Clean Hydrogen Tax Credit - Summary (PDF)

NRDC is supporting a full page print ad in the Washington Post with environmental and consumer advocate groups asking President Biden to "finalize strong climate rules" for the 45V clean hydrogen tax credit. This document is the landing page for...

Losing Ground: Severe Repetitive Flooding in the United States

OverviewUnited StatesAnna Weber
There are many ways that repeatedly flooded homes can be made safer from flooding, but the federal government’s efforts are not keeping pace with increasing flood risk. The result is a steadily growing number of properties that flood over and…

Stories from the Frontlines of Global LNG Build-Out at COP28

OverviewInternational, United StatesMima Holt, Jamie Lee

NRDC invited key local partners from developing regions and grassroots leaders together to underscore the significant climate, health, and equity impacts of LNG infrastructure expansion. 

Gulf of Mexico PEIS Scoping - Comments (PDF)

A coalition of environmental non-governmental organizations , including NRDC commented on the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management’s scoping notice in advance of preparing a programmatic environmental impact statement (PEIS) for offshore oil and gas leasing in the Gulf of Mexico...

NRDC Experts and Events at COP27

OverviewInternational, Canada, India, United StatesManish Bapna, Amanda Maxwell, Brendan Guy, Carolina Herrera, Joe Thwaites, Shruti Shukla, Sameer Kwatra, Anthony Swift, Khalil Shahyd, Lisa Speer, Jennifer Skene, Nan Zeng, Jake Schmidt, Douglass Sims, Marissa Ramirez, Prima Madan
Analysis and events focusing on the concrete steps we need to cut global emissions in half in this decisive decade, and to adapt to the mounting climate change impacts we can no longer avoid.

Building Climate-Ready Fisheries and Fishing Communities

Issue BriefUnited StatesDr. Lisa Suatoni, Molly Masterton
Warming waters are driving a mass migration of life beneath the sea—and a decades-old fishery law cannot keep up without climate-ready science and policy.