Data, Reports & Resources

NRDC is a leader and trusted source in environmental policy and research. 

From reports to issue briefs, we ensure accountability through peer review led by our Science Office, which provides data and scientific analysis that help shape and guide NRDC’s policies and positions. We also offer a range of other resources, such as 101 guides and consumer-focused scorecards to increase access to knowledge about how everyone can be a catalyst for change. 

Viewing 201 - 220 of 708

NRDC Comments on North Carolina’s Proposed CDBG-MIT Application (PDF)

North Carolina’s application for $168 million in CDBG-MIT funding from HUD is golden opportunity for the state to expand its climate resilience efforts. Planning activities, development of climate-informed building and zoning codes, updating regulations that take future conditions into account...

PCCFA v. Ross Complaint (PDF)

Legal Filings
NRDC has filed its 100th suit against the Trump Administration in an effort to protect California Salmon and endangered species.

Joint NGO Comments on EPA’s Proposed Low Priority Chemicals under TSCA (PDF)

These comments were filed jointly by Safer Chemicals Healthy Families, NRDC, Earthjustice and Environmental Health Strategy Center, responding to EPA’s proposal to designate 20 chemicals as “low priority” under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). Under TSCA, EPA is required...

NRDC Perchlorate Comments (PDF)

NRDC legal comments opposing EPA’s proposed drinking water standard for perchlorate, and supporting an MCL no higher than 2 ppb.

ESA Rollback Litigation (PDF)

Legal Filings
NRDC and partners sue the Trump administration for serious rollbacks of ESA protections.

ACE Rule Petition for Review (PDF)

Legal Filings
NRDC and our partners filed a lawsuit in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit against EPA for unlawfully repealing the agency’s Clean Power Plan replacing it with the so-called ACE Rule, which will produce only minor reductions...

Comment Letter on NESE Pipeline (PDF)

NRDC’s comment letter on the water quality certification application submitted by Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company, LLC for the Northeast Supply Enhancement Project (NESE). In brief, NRDC writes to urge the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation to deny...