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+86 10 5927 0688
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Viewing 681 - 700 of 1550

House Leaders Unveil Major Plan to Curb the Climate Crisis

Press Release
WASHINGTON - House Democratic environmental leaders today unveiled legislation intended to comprehensively address climate change. House Energy and Commerce Chairman Frank Pallone of New Jersey and colleagues proposed the “Climate Leadership and Environmental Action for our Nation’s (CLEAN) Future Act,”…

Governor Murphy Announces Sweeping Climate Agenda for New Jersey

Press Release
TRENTON, N.J. – Governor Phil Murphy today unveiled New Jersey’s Energy Master Plan, which will put the state on the pathway to a 100 percent clean energy future by 2050. In addition, Governor Murphy announced an executive order to create…

NRDC’s Gina McCarthy on President Trump’s Dirty Water Rule

Press Release
WASHINGTON - The Trump administration is set to issue rules that would gut critical safeguards in the Clean Water Act, upending decades of protections for streams, wetlands, lakes and rivers, according to news reports. These bodies of water filter pollution…

President Trump Flails at Science & Fails on Climate Action

Press Release
WASHINGTON - President Trump made the outlandish claim today in Davos, Switzerland that so-called “prophets of doom” were misleading the world about the scientific and real-world evidence of the growing dangers and rising costs of climate change.

Department of Energy Sets Major Roadblocks to Future Energy Efficiency Standards

Press Release
WASHINGTON – The Department of Energy (DOE) today radically altered its process for setting and updating national energy efficiency standards for residential and commercial appliances and equipment, making it significantly more difficult to establish future energy-saving measures and drastically reducing…

Mining Projects to Ride in on Trump’s NEPA Bulldozer

Press Release
WASHINGTON – Just days after the Trump administration proposed gutting a bedrock environmental law governing infrastructure projects, a new move by a federal permitting council would extend environmental fast-tracking to the mining sector—a sweeping move that will make it easier…

UN Must Ramp Up Goals to Protect Biodiversity

Press ReleaseNew York
NEW YORK - The United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) has released a proposal for protecting the world’s biodiversity and ecosystems, which are experiencing dramatic declines and degradation. This draft will be key in setting targets for international action.

FERC Undermines Clean Energy, Increases Costs

Press Release
WASHINGTON – The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission will impose rules on the 13-state PJM region, which runs from North Carolina through parts of Illinois, that could force customers to pay billions of dollars more to gas and coal power plants.

Tax Package is a Missed Opportunity on Clean Energy

Press Release
WASHINGTON -- The tax package negotiated by lawmakers and the White House as a part of the year-end funding bills lacks many critical ingredients that would spur adoption of electric vehicles, solar power, energy efficiency, and energy storage needed to…

COP25 World Leaders Disappoint on Climate Action

Press Release
MADRID, SPAIN – Leaders from countries around the world are wrapping up the U.N. Conference of the Parties COP25 climate conference in Madrid with few new stepped-up commitments to curb greenhouse gas emissions next year, ahead of the COP26 gathering…

NAFTA Rewrite Fails Key Climate Test

Press Release
Congress must reject a reworked North American Free Trade Agreement that fails to protect the environment and address climate change, the Natural Resources Defense Council and other environmental groups said in a letter to lawmakers today.