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+86 10 5927 0688
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Viewing 621 - 640 of 1078

House Takes Aim at Endangered Species Act

Press Release
WASHINGTON (October 4, 2017) – Five bills that would effectively eliminate federal protection for endangered species are scheduled for markup in the House Natural Resources Committee today.

Grid Reliability and Resilience Improve with More Low-Carbon Resources

Press Release
WASHINGTON – Bailing out costly giant power plants will not improve the electric grid’s resiliency but it will increase customer costs and pollution, the director of the Sustainable FERC Project housed within the Natural Resources Defense Council told a House…

Illinois’ First Fracking Permit Is a “Shoddy” Mess

Press ReleaseChicago
The Illinois Department of Natural Resources today approved its first permit under the state’s high volume fracking law. Experts at the NRDC had criticized the controversial permit application submitted by Woolsey Energy as lacking in key pieces of information.

NRDC, Partners FOIA Zinke’s Undisclosed Monument Rollbacks Report

Press Release
WASHINGTON – The Natural Resources Defense Council has joined with Earthjustice and Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance to request, under the Freedom of Information Act, that Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke release his secret recommendations for reducing protections for certain public lands…

Interior Department Flips Sage Grouse Protectors the Bird

Press Release
WASHINGTON – The Department of Interior took steps to invalidate key pieces of a locally-driven plan developed across 11 states to protect the greater sage grouse, an iconic bird surviving on just half of its historic Western range. U.S. Secretary…

New Study Faults Biomass Industry Greenwashing Scheme

Press ReleaseNew York
NEW YORK – A four-year-old biomass certification program has led to increased carbon dioxide emissions, accelerated the loss of natural forests, and created negative impacts on local communities – the very results it was designed to avoid, according to a…

Trump Administration Stripping Protection for Clean Water

Press Release
WASHINGTON – At a hearing today, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt indicated that the EPA and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will send to the Federal Register today a proposal to repeal the Clean Water Rule.

Carp CRAP! - Asian Carp Found Beyond Last Line of Defense Near Great Lakes

Press ReleaseChicago
CHICAGO – Reports of an Asian carp caught today in the Chicago Area Waterways beyond the electric barrier—the last line of defense to prevent the invasive fishes from gaining access to Lake Michigan—illustrate the dangers of continued inaction, according to…

Too Soon to Declare Victory for Yellowstone Grizzly Bears

Press Release
WASHINGTON – The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service removed Endangered Species Act protections for the Yellowstone population of grizzly bears today, according to multiple news reports, creating new risks for the still-threatened bears.