Media Center

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California advocacy and California climate change policy, natural climate solutions

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Midwestern regional issues

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Energy efficiency and decarbonization, buildings, food and agriculture

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Power sector, transportation and vehicles, renewable energy, nuclear power

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+86 10 5927 0688
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International issues, green finance, climate adaptation, LNG, air policy

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Water, Canada, toxics

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Lands, oceans, wildlife

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Western regional issues

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Eastern regional issues

Viewing 521 - 540 of 679

EPA Agrees to Revisit Rules for Polluted Runoff by Next Year

Press Release
WASHINGTON (September 16, 2015) — A federal court has approved a settlement in which the Environmental Protection Agency will update its national regulations for stormwater runoff, one of the nation’s largest sources of water pollution, by November 2016. The EPA…

Navy Agrees to Limit Underwater Assaults on Whales and Dolphins

Press Release
HONOLULU (September 11, 2015) —A federal court today entered an order settling two cases challenging the U.S. Navy’s training and testing activities off the coasts of Southern California and Hawai‘i, securing long-sought protections for whales, dolphins, and other marine mammals…

Advocates Take to Skies to Urge President to Abandon Atlantic Drilling

Press Release
WASHINGTON (September 4, 2015) — Millions of beach-going Americans along the Atlantic Seaboard this weekend will learn some unsettling news: Giant oil-drilling rigs and the industrialization of our coast could be coming soon. That warning will come from airplane-towed banners…

Obama Announces Rules to Protect Endangered Elephants

Press Release
WASHINGTON, DC (July 25, 2015) — President Obama today announced important new regulations on elephant ivory that would further restrict interstate sales. If finalized, these important new regulations would place a near-total ban on domestic ivory sales, imports, and exports…

Senator Kirk, Your Sewage Bill Doesn’t Cover Up Stinky Climate Vote

Press Release
CHICAGO (July 10, 2015) – Senator Mark Kirk held a press conference today touting his environmental credentials in the face of withering criticism of his recent vote to block action to cut dangerous carbon emissions from America’s power plants. In…

GOP Leaders Pack Anti-Environment Riders into Spending Bill

Press Release
WASHINGTON (July 7, 2015) – Congressional Republicans have been working to add an array of anti-environment riders to the $30.17 billion fiscal year 2016 Interior and Environment appropriations bill, which already included a 9 percent cut to the Environmental Protection…

NRDC TV Ads Call Out Kirk on Climate

Press Release
CHICAGO (July 7, 2015) – A new public education advertising effort chastises Illinois Senator Mark Kirk for a recent, decisive vote to block climate action. The ads running on television stations throughout Chicagoland and social media highlight Senator Kirk’s vote…