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Viewing 201 - 220 of 467

Senate Panel Releases Major but Mixed Energy Package

Press Release
WASHINGTON (Feb. 27, 2020) – The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee today introduced a bipartisan energy package that combines elements of several dozen previously considered bills addressing the nation’s energy supply, renewable energy, electricity grid, conservation and mining.

DOE Is Flouting the Will of Congress by Delaying Clean Energy R&D

Press Release
WASHINGTON – The Department of Energy is flouting the will of Congress by delaying clean energy R&D and Congress should act quickly to prevent such ideologically driven efforts that thwart action to combat climate change, a Natural Resources Defense Council…

President Trump Flails at Science & Fails on Climate Action

Press Release
WASHINGTON - President Trump made the outlandish claim today in Davos, Switzerland that so-called “prophets of doom” were misleading the world about the scientific and real-world evidence of the growing dangers and rising costs of climate change.

FERC Undermines Clean Energy, Increases Costs

Press Release
WASHINGTON – The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission will impose rules on the 13-state PJM region, which runs from North Carolina through parts of Illinois, that could force customers to pay billions of dollars more to gas and coal power plants.

Tax Package is a Missed Opportunity on Clean Energy

Press Release
WASHINGTON -- The tax package negotiated by lawmakers and the White House as a part of the year-end funding bills lacks many critical ingredients that would spur adoption of electric vehicles, solar power, energy efficiency, and energy storage needed to…

Groups Sue to Protect State Authority to Regulate Tailpipe Pollution

Press Release
WASHINGTON – A coalition of environmental groups, including the Natural Resources Defense Council, filed a federal lawsuit today to stop the Trump administration’s attempt to revoke the authority of states to set vehicle pollution standards. The case was filed in…

100% Clean Economy Bill Curbs Climate Danger

Press Release
WASHINGTON - Rep. Donald McEachin (D-VA) and more than 150 original cosponsors today introduced the “100% Clean Economy Act of 2019,” a bill that responds to the impacts of climate change by moving the United States to a 100 percent…

NRDC Report: EU Subsidies Lead to Forest Destruction

Press Release
LONDON - European nations are wasting $7 billion a year on subsidies for the burning of wood for power or heat, a notoriously dirty source of energy that the European Union has allowed to be counted as clean energy.

Clean Energy Tax Package Deserves Bipartisan Support

Press Release
WASHINGTON – The House Ways and Means Committee today released draft legislation that includes important measures to extend, expand and reform incentives for electric vehicles, energy storage, offshore and onshore wind, energy efficiency and solar power, among other items.

Automakers Attack States’ Authority to Curb Climate Pollution

Press Release
WASHINGTON – As California suffers another season of devastating fires, automakers including General Motors, Toyota, and Chrysler’s parent FCA joined a lawsuit in support of the Trump administration’s effort to strip California and other states of their long-held authority to…

Vote Reveals Senators Backing Climate Action and Those Opposed

Press Release
The Senate is scheduled to vote today on a measure blocking the Environmental Protection Agency’s Affordable Clean Energy rule, which could increase carbon pollution from dirty power plants, the second largest contributor to climate change.