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+86 10 5927 0688
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Viewing 21 - 40 of 405

House Majority Fiddles While Climate Crisis Burns

Press ReleaseWashington, D.C.
WASHINGTON – After months of climate-fueled disasters around the nation and facing a deadline in just a few weeks to pass a budget, the House Majority instead wasted time today voting on a measure to try and prevent states from…

Biden Administration to Cancel Arctic Refuge Oil and Gas Leases

Press ReleaseWashington, D.C.
WASHINGTON – The Biden administration canceled Trump-era leases for oil and gas drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, eliminating an imminent threat to drill within the refuge’s 1.6-million-acre Coastal Plain.

U.S. Department of Transportation Suspends LNG by Rail Rule

Press ReleaseNew Jersey, Pennsylvania
According to the Federal Register, the U.S. Department of Transportation has suspended a rule promulgated by the Trump Administration that permits liquefied natural gas (LNG) transport by rail.

NRDC: Fuel Economy Standards Save Drivers at the Pump

Press ReleaseUnited States
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration proposed new fuel economy standards for cars and light trucks that will save drivers money at the pump and cut our nation’s dependence on oil.

Feds Propose New Critical Habitat Designation for Endangered Whale 

Press ReleaseWashington, D.C.
The National Marine Fisheries Service has submitted a proposed rule designating critical habitat for the highly endangered Rice’s whale. With only approximately 50 whales remaining, Rice’s whales are among the most endangered whales in the world, making this habitat designation essential…

President Biden Declines to Embargo Products from Mexico for Vaquita Violation

Press ReleaseWashington, D.C.
President Biden announced yesterday that he will not embargo products from Mexico despite its failure to halt the illegal wildlife trade threatening the critically endangered vaquita porpoise. The decision responds to the Secretary of the Interior’s recent certification under the…

House Majority’s Bill on Environmental Funding Is Atrocious

Press ReleaseWashington, D.C.
WASHINGTON – The razor-thin House majority, after weeks of delay and concessions to the most extreme elements of its fractured conference, has put forward its version of the annual appropriations bill that funds most of the federal government’s environmental programs and priorities. The…

Groups Welcome New Denver Mayor

Press ReleaseDenver
Environmental, racial justice and health organizations today welcomed the upcoming inauguration of Denver Mayor Mike Johnston and urge him to work with City Council and regional experts to build on the city’s environmental successes with bold action addressing climate change…

NRDC Report: Building Batteries Better

Press ReleaseWashington, D.C.
WASHINGTON – A new report from NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) lays out key strategies so the transition away from fossil fuels and to electric vehicles can drive better mining practices.

NRDC Statement on New Mexico Clean Cars and Trucks Move

Press ReleaseUnited States
NRDC's Alexis Mena statement on New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham announcement today that the state will adopt by year's end advanced car and truck standards, policies intended to significantly expand the numbers of electric cars and trucks sold in…

NRDC Launches Ads to Support Climate Standards

Press ReleaseWashington, D.C., Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, Michigan
These proposed EPA standards target the two largest sources of carbon emissions—and build on the historic investments passed by Congress last year that will support clean energy and cleaner vehicles.

United States Finds Mexico Is Undermining Wildlife Treaty, May Impose Embargo

Press ReleaseWashington, D.C.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced today that Mexico has failed to halt the illegal wildlife trade threatening the critically endangered vaquita porpoise, diminishing the effectiveness of an international wildlife treaty. Under U.S. law, President Biden must now decide…

California Adopts Regulations to Combat Freight Pollution 

Press ReleaseSacramento
The California Air Resources Board (CARB) took strong action to combat freight pollution by adopting two regulations: the Advanced Clean Fleets Rule and the In-Use Locomotive Rule. These new rules will accelerate the transition towards zero-emission trucks and cut pollution…