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+86 10 5927 0688
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Viewing 141 - 160 of 195

First Global Green Bank Network Will Speed Shift to Clean Energy

Press Release
PARIS (December 7, 2015) – As countries work toward an international climate agreement in Paris, a group of six green banks and two leading non-profit groups today announced they are establishing a Green Bank Network to help meet the urgent…

NRDC Thanks Rep. Dold for Clean Power Plan Vote

Press Release
CHICAGO (December 7, 2015) – Congressman Bob Dold (IL-10) voted against two Congressional Review Act resolutions that would have repealed the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan rule to cut dangerous carbon pollution from the nation’s power plants.

Alberta to Limit Carbon Emissions from Tar Sands Sector

Press Release
WASHINGTON (November 22, 2015) – The provincial government of Alberta, Canada, today announced that it will limit, over time, emissions from the tar sands crude oil sector, which produces one of the dirtiest and most carbon-intensive energy sources in the…

Canadian Energy Policy Facilitates Tar Sands Pipelines, Not Carbon Reduction

Press Release
WASHINGTON (July 17, 2015) – Canada’s 13 provincial and territorial premiers today issued a national energy strategy, after lengthy negotiations. While the premiers added new recommendations on clean energy and energy efficiency to a tepid commitment to reduce greenhouse gas…

New Urban Housing Rules Could ‘Level the Playing Field’

Press Release
WASHINGTON (July 8, 2015) – The new rules announced today by the Obama Administration requiring cities and towns to scrutinize their housing patterns for racial bias is an important and long-awaited step toward improving the lives of all Americans.

GOP Leaders Pack Anti-Environment Riders into Spending Bill

Press Release
WASHINGTON (July 7, 2015) – Congressional Republicans have been working to add an array of anti-environment riders to the $30.17 billion fiscal year 2016 Interior and Environment appropriations bill, which already included a 9 percent cut to the Environmental Protection…

Statement on New York’s 2015 State Energy Plan

Press ReleaseNew York
ALBANY, N.Y. (June 25, 2015)—The Cuomo Administration today released New York’s 2015 State Energy Plan, after years of analysis and robust public comment.

City Exiles More of Chicago's Petcoke Piles

Press Release
CHICAGO (June 24, 2015) – The City of Chicago recently informed a company storing massive mounds of oil refining waste on Chicago’s Southeast Side that no more of the material can ever move through one of its sites. The decision…