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+86 10 5927 0688
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Viewing 161 - 180 of 272

Infrastructure Lags from Paltry Funding, Not Environmental Review

Press Release
WASHINGTON – With President Trump expected to tout an infrastructure plan in his State of the Union address, Scott Slesinger, legislative director for the Natural Resources Defense Council, told Congress in written testimony today it is systematic underfunding of transportation…

EPA Should Strengthen, Not Kill, the Clean Power Plan

Press Release
WASHINGTON – Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt today issued an “advance notice” soliciting public comment on whether the agency should come up with a replacement plan after repealing the Clean Power Plan.

Tax Cut Bill Favors Polluters over Clean Energy

Press Release
WASHINGTON – House Republicans released plans today calling for major tax cuts that would sharply increase the federal deficit and target valuable clean energy incentives fostering job growth and innovation in the American marketplace.

NRDC Report: Clean Energy Revolution Shatters Records & Projections

Press Release
WASHINGTON — Just how fast is the U.S. clean energy revolution unfolding? America’s 2016 solar energy capacity was 4,500 percent higher than government experts predicted 10 years earlier while the nation’s wind supply was 350 percent above their forecast, according…

Major Heat Resiliency Initiatives are Expanding Across India

Press Release
GANDHINAGAR, INDIA – With climate change pushing temperatures higher across India, local and national health and government experts are stepping up efforts to protect people and the economy from extreme heat impacts in rural and urban areas across the country.

Appeals Court Should Finish its Work on Clean Power Plan

Press Release
he Natural Resources Defense Council and allies filed a response today in the United States Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit opposing a recent request by the Trump Administration to stop work on a case involving the Clean Power…

Hyderabad Promotes Cool Roofs to Protect Citizens from Extreme Heat

Press Release
HYDERABAD, INDIA (Mar. 22, 2017) –Faced with increasingly high summer temperatures, the city of Hyderabad is promoting a common sense strategy known as “cool roofs” to better shield its residents from the dangers of severe heat, and also save energy…

Senate Democrats Right to Block GOP Rushed Vote on Pruitt

Press Release
WASHINGTON – Democrats on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee today blocked a GOP-led rush to vote on the nomination of Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt to lead the Environmental Protection Agency.