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Power sector, transportation and vehicles, renewable energy, nuclear power

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+86 10 5927 0688
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Western regional issues

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Eastern regional issues

NRDC Report: How Retailers are Selling Forest Destruction 

Press ReleaseWashington, D.C.
WASHINGTON — U.S. retailers are failing their customers and the planet by selling toilet paper, paper towels, and other goods sourced from climate-critical forests, according to a new NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) report. Selling the World’s Forests details how…

Multi-Hundred Million Dollar Clean-Up of Penobscot River Begins

Press ReleaseMaine
The court-appointed Trustee directing work to remediate mercury in the Penobscot River Estuary has announced thirteen Beneficial Environmental Projects (BEPs) that will receive funding to begin delivering tangible benefits to affected communities and ecosystems.

New Rule Targets Methane Waste on Federal Lands

Press ReleaseWashington, D.C.
WASHINGTON — In an effort to curb dirty methane pollution, the Bureau of Land Management released a new rule that charges industry operators for unnecessarily wasting publicly owned methane on federal and tribal lands. Right now, more than 150 billion…

NC Real Estate Commission to Disclose Flood History to Buyers

Press ReleaseNorth Carolina
The North Carolina Real Estate Commission finalized the rule to require sellers to provide potential home buyers with information about flood history and risk before they buy a home, and it will go into effect July 1, 2024.

Most Public Comments submitted on Safe Drinking Water Rule in History

Press ReleaseWashington, D.C.
WASHINGTON – Yesterday, as the public comment period closed for the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed Lead and Copper Rule Improvements (LCRI) to address the lead-contaminated drinking water crisis, it is clear that the overwhelming majority of comments support the…

Radhika Fox Departing EPA [NRDC Reaction]

Press ReleaseWashington, D.C.
EPA Assistant Administrator for the Office of Water Radhika Fox announced that she will be leaving the Agency next month.

Biden Administration Announces Action to Protect Old Growth Forests

Press ReleaseWashington, D.C.
WASHINGTON — The Department of Agriculture unveiled a proposed nationwide forest plan amendment focused on protecting federal old-growth forests. The proposal would amend all land management plans governing the National Forest System with new directions for the management of old growth…

Report: U.S. Must Ban Seafood From 11 Nations Over Whale, Dolphin Deaths 

Press ReleaseWashington, D.C.
A report issued today by conservation groups finds that 11 nations have at least some fisheries that fail to meet U.S. standards for preventing whale and dolphin bycatch. Entanglement in fishing gear kills hundreds of thousands of marine mammals around…

Biden Administration Signs Off On Low-Carbon Materials for 150 Federal Projects

Press ReleaseWashington, D.C.
WASHINGTON — Today the General Services Administration (GSA) announced $2 billion in investments for clean materials in federal construction projects. This initiative advances commitments made a year ago to accelerate Buy Clean efforts within the GSA and Department of Transportation…