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+86 10 5927 0688
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Eastern regional issues

Viewing 1 - 20 of 304

NRDC Report: How Retailers are Selling Forest Destruction 

Press ReleaseWashington, D.C.
WASHINGTON — U.S. retailers are failing their customers and the planet by selling toilet paper, paper towels, and other goods sourced from climate-critical forests, according to a new NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) report. Selling the World’s Forests details how…

Multi-Hundred Million Dollar Clean-Up of Penobscot River Begins

Press ReleaseMaine
The court-appointed Trustee directing work to remediate mercury in the Penobscot River Estuary has announced thirteen Beneficial Environmental Projects (BEPs) that will receive funding to begin delivering tangible benefits to affected communities and ecosystems.

Court Orders Port of Los Angeles to Clean Up Pollution

Press ReleaseLos Angeles
The San Diego County Superior Court ruled in favor of Los Angeles harbor-area residents with a decision that will require the lease between the Port of Los Angeles and its largest shipping customer, China Shipping, to include enforceable measures to…

U.S. and China Agree to Step Up Action for Climate

Press ReleaseInternational, United States
WASHINGTON - The United States and China have come to agreement, after extensive dialogue, on how to collectively meet major climate targets in the coming decades.

Colorado Sets National Example by Restoring Wetlands Protections

Press ReleaseDenver
The Colorado General Assembly has demonstrated national leadership by being the first state in the nation to pass legislation restoring protections for tens of thousands of acres of wetlands and streams that were put at risk after a Supreme Court…

EPA Boosts Toxic Air Pollution Safeguards at Coal Plants

Press ReleaseWashington, D.C.
WASHINGTON – The Biden administration today announced important new technology updates to the Environmental Protection Agency's Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS) for power plants that burn coal and oil, strengthening the limit on toxic particulate matter for all plants and mercury standards…

EPA Issues Truck Pollution Standards

Press ReleaseUnited States
The Environmental Protection Agency released standards to reduce tailpipe emissions from new heavy-duty trucks. These final standards follow a recent federal strategy to build out a national zero emission freight corridor network, which will put the nation on the road…

New Rule Targets Methane Waste on Federal Lands

Press ReleaseWashington, D.C.
WASHINGTON — In an effort to curb dirty methane pollution, the Bureau of Land Management released a new rule that charges industry operators for unnecessarily wasting publicly owned methane on federal and tribal lands. Right now, more than 150 billion…

DOE Announces Industrial Decarbonization Program Award Recipients

Press ReleaseUnited States
WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) unveiled today the selected projects for its Industrial Demonstrations Program, a $6 billion initiative funded by the Inflation Reduction Act and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to spur the deployment of game-changing decarbonization technologies…

Clean Freight Means Cleaner Air

Press ReleaseUnited States
WASHINGTON – The Biden administration released a plan to establish Zero-Emission Freight Corridors along some of the most-traveled and polluted freight routes in the country. With the federal government directing funding to these routes, these corridors will help speed up…

EPA’s New Approach on Power Plant Pollution

Press ReleaseUnited States
WASHINGTON – The Environmental Protection Agency said today that it will be taking a new approach to tackling pollution from existing gas power plants, while holding firm on its timeline to finalize standards for carbon pollution from existing coal and…

EPA’s Carbon Standards Are a Powerful Tool

Press ReleaseUnited States
The EPA’s standards to curb carbon emissions from power plants are crucial to addressing climate change. Strong and comprehensive rules are needed to address this major source of carbon pollution.

Biden Administration Strengthens Health Standard for Soot Pollution

Press ReleaseWashington, D.C.
WASHINGTON – The Environmental Protection Agency finalized a rule today to tighten one national limit for soot pollution in the United States. It set the annual health standard for soot, otherwise known as fine particulate matter air pollution, or PM2.5…