Media Center

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California advocacy and California climate change policy, natural climate solutions

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Midwestern regional issues

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Energy efficiency and decarbonization, buildings, food and agriculture

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Power sector, transportation and vehicles, renewable energy, nuclear power

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+86 10 5927 0688
China-based climate, energy and wildlife

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Water, Canada, toxics

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Environmental justice and Chicago-based environmental issues

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Industrial and emerging energy policy, hydrogen, energy transmission/RTOs, renewables and siting

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Lands, oceans, wildlife

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Eastern regional issues

Viewing 81 - 100 of 336

Biden EPA Delays Trump-Era Lead and Copper Rule Again

Press ReleaseUnited States
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today pushed back the effective date for implementation of the Trump Administration’s federal drinking water regulation, the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions, until December 2021. The much-ballyhooed Trump-era Rule, which left millions of people exposed…

U.S. Department of Agriculture Announces Crop Insurance Incentive

Press ReleaseUnited States
WASHINGTON – The Department of Agriculture today announced it is giving a $5 per acre savings on crop insurance to farmers who planted cover crops during the 2021 cropping year. The move aims to help farmers who faced a tough…

Court Orders EPA to Ban Pesticide Toxic to Kids

Press ReleaseUnited States
WASHINGTON – The Environmental Protection Agency must ban chlorpyrifos—a pesticide linked to worker poisonings and learning disabilities in children—on produce sold in the U.S. within 60 days unless it can identify a safe level of use, the 9th Circuit Court…

Court Maintains Ban on Chemicals in Toys for Now

Press ReleaseUnited States
WASHINGTON – A federal appeals court has left in place the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) ban on harmful phthalate chemicals from plastic used in children’s toys and childcare articles. The court rejected most of the arguments made by the…

Coalition Calls on DOE to Reconsider Nuclear Waste Rule

Press ReleaseWest
WASHINGTON – The Yakama Nation, state of Washington and environmental groups joined together in an unprecedented request to the Department of Energy today that it rescind a harmful Trump-era regulation that could allow millions of gallons of radioactive waste to…

NRDC Sues to Block Trump’s Air Pollution Loophole

Press Release
WASHINGTON – NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) and partners late Friday sued the Environmental Protection Agency to block a Trump-era policy allowing industrial facilities to significantly increase air pollution that endangers public health, including in communities of color overburdened by…