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+86 10 5927 0688
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Viewing 141 - 160 of 183

Federal Court Orders Bottled Water Delivery for Flint Residents

Press Release
DETROIT, Mich. – Federal judge David M. Lawson today ordered the Michigan state officials and the City of Flint to deliver bottled water door-to-door to homes in Flint, a victory for residents who have been living without access to safe…

Congressional Lead Contamination Should Spur Flint Fix

Press Release
WASHINGTON – Members of Congress may be gaining a new perspective on the plight of Flint, MI residents with the news of elevated lead levels in water from the Cannon House Office Building, where many lawmakers have staff offices.

Senate Republicans Turn their Backs on Flint Water Crisis—Again

Press Release
WASHINGTON – Senate Republicans today rejected an amendment to the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act that would have provided $1.9 billion for clean water infrastructure improvements and to reduce lead contamination nationally, and to address the drinking water crisis in…

Senate Committee Approves $300 Million for Flint, Other Communities

Press Release
WASHINGTON – The Senate Environment and Public Works committee today approved a water resources bill containing $300 million in grants to help residents of Flint, Michigan and other communities replace lead pipes that are contaminating drinking water--along with funding for…

After Two Years, Still No Fix for Flint

Press Release
NEW YORK—Monday marks the two-year anniversary of Flint, Michigan's disastrous switch to draw water from the Flint River. That decision, and the resulting corrosive water that drew lead from the City's pipes, contaminated the drinking water and poisoned children. Despite…

Drinking Water Contamination Goes Far Beyond Flint

Press Release
WASHINGTON (April 13, 2016) – The lead contamination of Flint, Michigan’s drinking water is not an isolated incident, and lead is just one of many poisons that taint tap water all over the United States, according to Mae Wu, senior…

NRDC to Senate: Safe Drinking Water No Longer a Given in the U.S.

Press Release
WASHINGTON (April 7, 2016) – The Flint lead poisoning debacle flowed from “penny-wise, pound-foolish decisions” that have inflicted grievous harm to residents of that city and seriously eroded public confidence in every level of government, Erik Olson, the Natural Resources…

After More Than 40 Years, EPA Will Act on Hazardous Industrial Spills

Press Release
WASHINGTON (February 17, 2016) – The Environmental Protection Agency will put in place new safeguards to help protect communities from dangerous chemical spills at tens of thousands of industrial facilities nationwide, under the terms of a legal settlement approved by…

Flint Hearing Most Notable for Key Absences

Press ReleaseNew York
NEW YORK (February 3, 2016) – The U.S. House Oversight and Government Reform Committee held a hearing today to explore the Flint water crisis.