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+86 10 5927 0688
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Viewing 81 - 100 of 185

NRC Moves to Issue Weak Uranium Mining Rules

Press Release
WASHINGTON – The Nuclear Regulatory Commission took action yesterday to start work on a rulemaking that could prevent a future Environmental Protection Agency from ending the wanton contamination of groundwater across the Mountain West generated by uranium mining.

EPA’s Policy of Ignoring Pollution Comes to an End

Press Release
WASHINGTON – Today marks the end of an Environmental Protection Agency non-enforcement policy that gave industries permission to stop monitoring and reporting pollution for reasons related to COVID-19—with no requirement to notify EPA or the public. This unnecessary policy put…

EPA Gives Uranium Miners Free Pass to Pollute

Press Release
WASHINGTON – The Environmental Protection Agency signed away its authority to regulate water pollution from uranium mining today, providing a gift to the destructive and unregulated industry at the cost of water quality across the Mountain West.

Pipeline Backers Face More Obstacles Despite Court Win

Press Release
WASHINGTON –The U.S. Supreme Court issued a decision today with respect to management of the Appalachian Trail for a crossing of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, but the fracked gas pipeline still faces many obstacles due to its threats to the…

EPA Slashes State and Tribal Clean Water Rights

Press Release
WASHINGTON – The Environmental Protection Agency issued a regulation today that undermines states’ and tribes’ authority to protect clean water within their borders, a change that would help fossil-fuel companies and developers to the detriment of the rest of us.

Coalition Sues to Stop Clean Water Rollbacks

Press Release
WASHINGTON – A coalition of environmental groups filed a lawsuit in federal court to block the Trump administration’s unlawful move to gut protections for many of America’s streams and wetlands.

NRDC’s Gina McCarthy on President Trump’s Dirty Water Rule

Press Release
WASHINGTON - The Trump administration is set to issue rules that would gut critical safeguards in the Clean Water Act, upending decades of protections for streams, wetlands, lakes and rivers, according to news reports. These bodies of water filter pollution…

New York State Adopts Paint Recycling Program

Press ReleaseNew York
ALBANY, N.Y. – Governor Andrew Cuomo yesterday signed the paint recycling legislation, a bill designed to tackle a long-standing solid waste disposal problem by making it possible for business and residents to recycle leftover paint at hundreds of convenient locations…

Michigan’s Lead Drinking Water Protections Upheld By Court

Press Release
DETROIT, MI – The effort to squash Michigan’s Lead and Copper Rule, passed to prevent future disasters like Flint’s lead drinking water crisis, was rejected today by the Michigan Court of Claims. The ruling ended all legal claims outlined in…

Trump Moves to Deny Americans Clean Water

Press Release
WASHINGTON - Hoy se espera que la administración Trump elimine las protecciones críticas para arroyos, humedales y otros cuerpos de agua en riesgo de contaminación al revocar la Norma del Agua Limpia.

Michigan’s Lead Drinking Water Protections Survive Legal Challenge

Press Release
DETROIT, MI – Michigan’s Lead and Copper Rule, passed to prevent future disasters like Flint’s lead in drinking water crisis, was upheld in court. The nation’s most protective lead standard, which helps keep lead out of drinking water, survived all…