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+86 10 5927 0688
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Viewing 101 - 120 of 374

Court Maintains Ban on Chemicals in Toys for Now

Press ReleaseUnited States
WASHINGTON – A federal appeals court has left in place the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) ban on harmful phthalate chemicals from plastic used in children’s toys and childcare articles. The court rejected most of the arguments made by the…

House Votes on Sweeping Public Lands Package

Press ReleaseUnited States
WASHINGTON – The U.S. House of Representatives is voting today on a series of measures that would preserve wilderness and help safeguard public lands in the West.

Coalition Calls on DOE to Reconsider Nuclear Waste Rule

Press ReleaseWest
WASHINGTON – The Yakama Nation, state of Washington and environmental groups joined together in an unprecedented request to the Department of Energy today that it rescind a harmful Trump-era regulation that could allow millions of gallons of radioactive waste to…

Deb Haaland is Ideal Choice for Interior Secretary

Press ReleaseUnited States
WASHINGTON – The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee is set today to hold a hearing on the nomination of Rep. Debra Haaland, D-NM to be Secretary of the Interior.

Conservancy Sues Tejon Ranch Company to Enforce Conservation Agreement

Press ReleaseCalifornia
LOS ANGELES – The Tejon Ranch Conservancy (Conservancy) today joined a coalition lawsuit against the Tejon Ranch Company (Company), asking a Kern County Superior Court to find the company in breach of the landmark 2008 Tejon Ranch Conservation and Land…

NRDC Sues to Block Trump’s Air Pollution Loophole

Press Release
WASHINGTON – NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) and partners late Friday sued the Environmental Protection Agency to block a Trump-era policy allowing industrial facilities to significantly increase air pollution that endangers public health, including in communities of color overburdened by…

NRDC Sues EPA For Failing to Protect Public from Deadly Soot

Press Release
WASHINGTON – NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) today sued the Trump Environmental Protection Agency to block a final rule that left in place the current unprotective federal limits on soot pollution and leaves thousands of people vulnerable to air pollution…

EPA’s Gift to Polluters will Fuel Climate Crisis and Harm Health

Press Release
WASHINGTON – In the last days of the Trump administration, the Environmental Protection Agency is expected to issue a rule today seeking to exempt some of the nation’s biggest polluters—including producers of oil and gas, chemicals, cement, steel and aluminum—from…

EPA Finalizes Rule That Would Censor Science

Press Release
WASHINGTON – Bowing to the whims of coal barons, the nuclear industry, and chemical companies, the Trump administration is announcing a final rule today that would severely restrict the use of peer-reviewed science in setting pollution and toxic chemical limits.