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Midwestern regional issues

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+86 10 5927 0688
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Eastern regional issues

Viewing 161 - 180 of 239

U.S. to World: Protect Dolphins, Whales or Lose Access to U.S. Seafood Market

Press Release
WASHINGTON — The National Marine Fisheries Service issued regulations today prohibiting seafood imports from nations whose fisheries kill more whales and dolphins than U.S. standards allow. Each year around 650,000 whales, dolphins and other marine mammals are unintentionally caught and…

Federal Court: Navy Must Limit Long-Range Sonar Use to Protect Marine Mammal

Press ReleaseCalifornia
SAN FRANCISCO – In a unanimous rebuke, the Ninth Circuit court ruled Friday that the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) had illegally approved a permit authorizing the Navy to use its high-intensity long-range sonar – called low-frequency active sonar (or…

Obama Administration Sets Goals for Reducing Ocean Noise

Press Release
WASHINGTON – The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) announced today a “roadmap” to protect whales, fish, and other marine species from pervasive ocean noise, citing “large increases” in underwater noise generated by human activities.

EPA Unlawfully Approved Herbicide Enlist Duo

Press Release
WASHINGTON, DC - The Environmental Protection Agency violated the law when it approved use of Dow AgroSciences’ Enlist Duo herbicide and should cancel the registration for the powerful weed killer, according to a petition filed today by the Natural Resources…

Conservation Groups Sue EPA over #BayDelta Water Quality and #Salmon

Press Release
SAN FRANCISCO—Conservation groups filed suit against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today—on Earth Day—for failing to protect water quality in the San Francisco Bay-Delta under the Clean Water Act. This failure could result in several native fish species going…

What is Driving Consumer Demand for Rhino Horn?

Press ReleaseChina
NEW YORK (March 7, 2016) — The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) today released a ground-breaking survey that outlines – for the first time – the potential impact of Chinese consumers and proposals to legalize trade in farmed rhino horns…

Icelandic Whaling Remains Target At Boston Seafood Expo

Press Release
BOSTON (March 3, 2016) — Members of the “Don’t Buy from Icelandic Whalers” coalition have affirmed that their campaign will continue until Iceland permanently ends commercial whaling and international trading of whale products, despite breaking news that Icelandic whaling company…

New Report Reveals Thriving Undocumented Ivory Market in Hawaii

Press Release
HONOLULU (March 3, 2016) —The online trade in ivory and related wildlife products is rampant in Hawaii, which remains one of the United States’ major markets for ivory, according to a new report by the International Fund for Animal Welfare(IFAW)…

Yellowstone Grizzly Bears: Not Time to Declare Victory

Press Release
WASHINGTON, DC (March 3, 2016) - Today, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service declared that the Yellowstone population of grizzly bears is recovered and no longer needs the protections of the Endangered Species Act.

House Resolution Against Clean Water Protections Puts Polluters Before People

Press Release
WASHINGTON (January 13, 2016) — House Republicans today passed legislation attacking clean water protections. Today’s action—a resolution of disapproval under the Congressional Review Act –-blocks the Clean Water Rule, the Obama administration’s landmark action adopted last year. Because the Senate…