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Midwestern regional issues

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+86 10 5927 0688
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Eastern regional issues

Viewing 1101 - 1120 of 5049

Cuomo Proposes Statewide Ban on Polystyrene Foam Containers

Press ReleaseNew York
ALBANY, N.Y. – Governor Cuomo today announced, as part of his 2020 State of the State, that he will propose legislation to enact a statewide ban on polystyrene food and beverage containers, as well as packing peanuts made of polystyrene…

COP25 World Leaders Disappoint on Climate Action

Press Release
MADRID, SPAIN – Leaders from countries around the world are wrapping up the U.N. Conference of the Parties COP25 climate conference in Madrid with few new stepped-up commitments to curb greenhouse gas emissions next year, ahead of the COP26 gathering…

NAFTA Rewrite Fails Key Climate Test

Press Release
Congress must reject a reworked North American Free Trade Agreement that fails to protect the environment and address climate change, the Natural Resources Defense Council and other environmental groups said in a letter to lawmakers today.

NRC Approves Reactor Threatened by Sea-Level Rise

Press Release
WASHINGTON - The Nuclear Regulatory Commission pushed through the extension of the license for the Turkey Point nuclear facility in Florida. The approval comes more than a decade before the current license expires, in 2032. In giving the OK, the…

National Grid Moratorium Lifted

Press Release
ALBANY, N.Y. – Governor Andrew Cuomo today announced an agreement has been reached with National Grid to lift the utility’s current moratorium on gas service in Long Island, Queens and Brooklyn. In addition, the utility is required to pay up…

Groups Sue to Protect State Authority to Regulate Tailpipe Pollution

Press Release
WASHINGTON – A coalition of environmental groups, including the Natural Resources Defense Council, filed a federal lawsuit today to stop the Trump administration’s attempt to revoke the authority of states to set vehicle pollution standards. The case was filed in…

100% Clean Economy Bill Curbs Climate Danger

Press Release
WASHINGTON - Rep. Donald McEachin (D-VA) and more than 150 original cosponsors today introduced the “100% Clean Economy Act of 2019,” a bill that responds to the impacts of climate change by moving the United States to a 100 percent…

NRDC Report: EU Subsidies Lead to Forest Destruction

Press Release
LONDON - European nations are wasting $7 billion a year on subsidies for the burning of wood for power or heat, a notoriously dirty source of energy that the European Union has allowed to be counted as clean energy.

Clean Energy Tax Package Deserves Bipartisan Support

Press Release
WASHINGTON – The House Ways and Means Committee today released draft legislation that includes important measures to extend, expand and reform incentives for electric vehicles, energy storage, offshore and onshore wind, energy efficiency and solar power, among other items.