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Viewing 1 - 20 of 283

More Progress on Fairness in Meat

Expert BlogUnited States, Washington, D.C.Allison Johnson

The Biden Administration’s long-awaited unfair practices rule under the Packers and Stockyards Act could help responsible meat producers reach more eaters

PJM's Interconnection Inaction

Expert BlogPennsylvaniaClaire Lang-Ree, Tom Rutigliano
If PJM wants to get serious about reliability and protecting its customers during extreme weather, it’s time to stop arguing about interconnection and transmission planning and get to work.

Multilateral Development Bank Spring 2024 Meeting Outcomes & Next Steps

Expert BlogWashington, D.C.Jake Schmidt
The World Bank Group (WBG) held its Spring 2024 meeting, with the Asian Development Bank (ADB), European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), and the African Development Bank (AfDB) holding their annual meetings. These meetings continued the reform effort to…

Keeping LNG Off the Rails in Gibbstown and Across America

Expert BlogNew Jersey, Pennsylvania, United StatesSahana Rao
Advocates and regulators have significantly slowed development of the Gibbstown LNG Export Project, which would be the first of its kind to rely on long-distance LNG shipment by rail. But as developers affirmed in recent statements to the Federal Energy…

Senate Farm Bill Proposal's Key Crop Insurance Provisions

Expert BlogWashington, D.C.Lara Bryant
The House and Senate Agriculture Committees recently released separate proposals for the five-year reauthorization of the Farm Bill, which expires in September of 2024. Federal crop insurance is funded through the Farm Bill, which presents an opportunity to strengthen this…

Unveiling Big Oil's Campaign of Lies

Expert BlogUnited States, Washington, D.C.Zanagee Artis

An explosive hearing held by the U.S. Senate Committee on the Budget has unveiled more details of Big Oil’s campaign to block climate action.

How Neonics Harm Earthworms

Expert BlogWashington, D.C.Dr. Daniel Rath, Daniel Raichel, Lucas Rhoads

Neonics harm earthworm growth and reproduction in exchange for uncertain benefits

2022 Census of Agriculture on Cover Crops

Expert BlogWashington, D.C.Lara Bryant
Every five years, the Census of Agriculture provides snapshot of US farming, from farmer demographics and farm size, to crops planted, to management practices that farmers use. USDA recently made the 2022 Census data public, and there is positive news…

Congress Responds to the Biden Administration’s Commonsense LNG Decision

Expert BlogUnited States, International, Arkansas, Florida, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, TexasAlexandra Adams

Not long after the administration’s pause on permits, the fossil fuel industry—and its supporters in Congress—pulled out all the stops to oppose the decision and spread misinformation.