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Uttar Pradesh Responds to Deadly Heat

Expert BlogIndiaSameer Kwatra, Prima Madan, Dr. Vijay Limaye
With record breaking temperatures taking a devastating toll on human health, the state of Uttar Predesh (UP) has prepared a long-term heat resilience plan, which was presented in a June 19th, 2024 workshop. Hosted by the Department of Housing and…

PJM's Interconnection Inaction

Expert BlogPennsylvaniaClaire Lang-Ree, Tom Rutigliano
If PJM wants to get serious about reliability and protecting its customers during extreme weather, it’s time to stop arguing about interconnection and transmission planning and get to work.

Why the Willow Project Is a Bad Idea

Latest NewsAlaskaJeff Turrentine
The oil drilling proposal would be disastrous for Alaska and the planet (not to mention President Biden’s climate legacy). 

People-Centric Approaches to Climate Solutions

Expert BlogIndiaSameer Kwatra

Local climate action and people-centric approaches are critical to building on the ground capacities of communities vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.

Vermont Floods Illustrate the Need for Reforms by FEMA and State

Expert BlogVermontRob Moore
Flooding in Vermont has once again exposed serious weaknesses in the state and federal policies that govern floodplain development and ensure that information is provided to people about the risks of flooding. Because Vermont and FEMA’s flood policies fail to…

Pollinators Notch Big Wins in Minnesota

Expert BlogSt. PaulLucas Rhoads

In a historic 2023 session, Minnesota reined in pesticide use, increased pollinator habitat, and built momentum toward additional protections. 

A Climate Strategy for India Scales Up

NRDC in ActionIndiaJeff Turrentine
With the formation of its affiliate in New Delhi, NRDC rises to meet the sustainability challenges of the world's fastest-growing economy.