Another Pebble Mine Partner Abandons Disastrous Bristol Bay Project

NRDC: “It’s clear … Pebble Mine is a bad bet that’s not worth taking.”

WASHINGTON – (September 16, 2013) – Anglo American plc, the lead financier and primary partner in the ill-conceived Pebble Mine project, announced today it is abandoning the development in another clear sign that plans for the disastrous project should be shelved.

NRDC Western Director and Senior Attorney Joel Reynolds made the following comment:

“With the principal partner abandoning this disastrous project and writing down its losses, it’s clear the smart money realizes what the overwhelming majority of Alaskans, as well as commercial fishermen, EPA researchers and anybody who has seen Bristol Bay know so well: Pebble Mine is a bad bet that’s not worth taking.

“The headwaters of the greatest salmon fishery on the planet are no place to gamble on one of the largest mining operations ever conceived. It is simply the wrong mine in the wrong place. Anglo-American realizes that. Mitsubishi realized it. Northern Dynasty Minerals should realize that too, and leave this unique part of America alone.”