The Barton Plan: No Alternative to Real Climate and Energy Solutions

WASHINGTON (May 14, 2009) -- As momentum builds in the Energy and Commerce Committee behind comprehensive clean energy and climate legislation (the American Clean Energy and Security Act), Congressman Joe Barton (R-Texas) has released an alternative plan that would set back progress toward a clean energy future, according to experts at the Natural Resources Defense Council.

“This is not the time to crash the party with a separate bill aimed at derailing the process,” said Michael Oko, federal media director for NRDC. “The Barton plan reflects old, worn-out thinking that will do nothing to cut the pollution that causes global warming or reduce our dangerous dependence on oil. For months, Chairmen Waxman and Markey have conducted an open dialogue, giving members from Virginia to Ohio a chance to weigh-in on the current legislation. It is this plan, not the Barton alternative, that will create jobs and protect the planet.”

In related news, a poll released today by the PEW Environment Group confirms that an overwhelming majority of Americans want action to reduce the carbon pollution that causes global warming:

  • 77 percent of voters favor action to reduce global warming emissions
  • Even after being presented with arguments frequently used by opponents of climate change, 62 percent still support a plan to curb global warming.

See the poll here: