Budget Cuts: Californians Won't Tolerate Park and Beach Closures

Budget cuts target state coastline and parks

SAN FRANCISCO (January 10, 2008) – The California budget proposed today by Gov. Schwarzenegger would decimate, if not eliminate, key natural resources protection programs according to the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC).
The following is a statement by NRDC California Advocacy Director Ann Notthoff:
“While the governor’s budget makes needed investments in programs to fight global warming and enforce pollution laws, it unjustifiably targets the state coastline and parks. Californians won’t tolerate a budget that closes our state parks and beaches. Just as an oil spill fouling our beaches is unacceptable, so is closing them to the public.
“Last year’s oil spill in San Francisco Bay serves as a reminder of how much Californians cherish our beaches, parks and other natural resources. The public response was so overwhelming that authorities had to turn away people volunteering to help with the cleanup.
“At less than 2 percent of the state budget, parks and resource programs are the wrong place to look for cuts. They’re already stretched dangerously thin. Cutting these programs any further won’t solve the budget crisis, but it could irreparably damage treasured natural resources and jeopardize public health.”