California Senate Climate Action Leadership Package a Welcome Step Forward

SACRAMENTO (February 10, 2015) – The package of climate action bills proposed by State Senate President Pro-Tempore De León and key Senate leaders today would enact and build on Governor Brown’s bold new commitment to set new long-term targets for cutting carbon pollution. SB 350 and other bills in the Senate climate package, including SB 32, aim to source 50 percent of our electricity from renewable power, double savings from energy efficiency, reduce petroleum use in cars and trucks by up to 50 percent, and set new long term carbon pollution reduction targets – all by 2030.
A statement from NRDC Senior Energy Scientist Peter Miller follows:
“These goals solidify California as the global vanguard in the fight to combat climate change. The Senate’s proposals will protect our environment and most vulnerable communities while bolstering our state’s growing clean energy economy. In today’s heated political climate, it’s great to see California’s leadership working together to bring our state’s clean energy goals to life.”
“A fifty percent clean energy goal is big and bold, but it is also completely achievable. And we’ve already laid the groundwork to see this through. We’re building upon a strong clean energy foundation that includes our successful renewable portfolio standard, a robust energy efficiency program, and ongoing leadership on fuel efficient and low carbon transportation. This is the next logical leap forward, and no one’s better positioned to make it than California.”
Tweet from NRDC (@nrdc): Great to see #CA Senator @kdleon help us cut carbon pollution by 2030 and beyond. #actonclimate.


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