Court Rules Against Truckers in SoCal Ports Clean Air Case

Statement by David Pettit, NRDC Senior Attorney
LOS ANGELES (September 10, 2008) – In an important clean air victory, the clean trucks programs for the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach this week survived a challenge by the American Trucking Association. The ATA had challenged a provision of the program that provides the ports with greater oversight over the trucks coming onto their property. The ports, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), Sierra Club and Coalition for Clean Air argued that truckers need to sign contracts with the ports agreeing to proper and timely maintenance of trucks entering port property. In a ruling issued late Tuesday U.S. District Judge Christina Snyder agreed.
The following is a statement by David Pettit, NRDC Senior Attorney:
“It is not enough to replace old dirty trucks with new dirty trucks, but that’s what will happen if the new trucks aren’t maintained adequately. We need to ensure that the clean air gains from the ports’ clean trucks programs remain over the long haul. The judge’s ruling supports properly maintained, well-managed goods movement at the ports, which is good for business and good for the health of people living in ports communities.”

For more reaction to the judge’s decision, read David Pettit’s blog on NRDC Switchboard at