EPA Moves to Curb Carbon Pollution from New Power Plants

NRDC: “Obama Administration Takes Important First Step”

WASHINGTON (November  8, 2011) – The Obama administration today signaled its intention to develop first-ever rules to curb carbon dioxide pollution from new power plants, according to a notice posted on the website of the White House Office of Management and Budget.  

The following is a statement by David Doniger, policy director of the Climate and Clean Air Program

at the Natural Resources Defense Council:

“Setting carbon pollution standards for new power plants is an important first step. President Obama campaigned on moving America to a clean energy future. Cutting dangerous carbon pollution from the nation’s dirty power plants is an essential part of fulfilling that pledge.

“NRDC and other parties continue to work with EPA to agree on a schedule for setting standards that address carbon pollution from both new and existing power plants.”

For more information on today’s announcement, see NRDC President Frances Beinecke’s blog: http://switchboard.nrdc.org/blogs/fbeinecke/epa_takes_first_steps_towards.html