First US Offshore Wind Facility Gets Green Light in Nantucket Sound

After Clearing Final Hurdle, Cape Wind Project Set to Repower Historic Cape Cod
WASHINGTON, D.C. (January 16, 2008) – The Cape Wind project, a first-of-its-kind utility-scale offshore wind energy facility, today cleared its last environmental review before it can start building and begin repowering thousands of American homes in Cape Cod, Massachusetts.
The United States Minerals Management Service (MMS) released the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) today for the 130-turbine project in Nantucket Sound. The FEIS concluded that the project’s environmental benefits would outweigh the potential negative impacts and established important requirements intended to minimize those impacts. The U.S. Secretary of Interior now must wait 30 days before issuing the final decision on the project, which will end the permitting process for Cape Wind.
A statement follows from Nathanael Greene, senior energy policy specialist at the Natural Resources Defense Council:
“We are excited to finally see a first-of-its-kind, utility-scale offshore wind project powering American homes and businesses. This facility shows we can repower America, and we can start today. This project opens the door to offshore wind development in the US and is exactly the type of clean energy investment that will jumpstart our economy, create jobs and lead to energy security.
“After more than seven years of state and federal review -- much longer than a traditional coal power plant is ever reviewed -- Cape Wind has proven that its benefits will far outweigh its impacts. The Cape Wind Project will supply 75 percent of the energy in Cape Cod -- and it will all be clean and renewable energy.
“We look forward to reviewing the Final Environmental Impact Statement in greater detail and working to ensure that any ocean impacts generated as a result of the facility’s construction and operation are minimized.”