Governor Cuomo Reveals Boost for Clean Energy, Weather Resiliency in State of the State Speech

NEW YORK (January 9, 2013) – In his State of the State address today, Governor Cuomo announced a number of initiatives that will better prepare New York for future extreme weather events, as well as address them at their source: climate change.

The following is a statement from Frances Beinecke, President of the Natural Resources Defense Council:

“Governor Cuomo is taking significant strides to better prepare the state from future storms, as well as address the root cause of more frequent extreme weather—our planet’s changing climate.

“By respecting Mother Nature and restoring natural barriers like dunes and wetlands in Sandy’s wake, the governor’s proposals will help to better protect our homes, businesses and lives in the face of more intense storms.

“Additionally, a number of the new initiatives he announced will help reduce carbon dioxide pollution and boost the state’s clean energy resources. The boldest of these include further reducing power plant pollution through the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, extending the state’s solar energy program for 10 years, and creating a $1 billion ‘green bank’ fund that will help leverage investments in renewable power.

“The wise appointment of a new ‘energy czar’ – Richard Kauffman – will also help advance New York’s role as a national leader in combating climate change, and preparing for its impacts.

“These new clean energy initiatives will help wean us away from fossil fuels, which are the root of our nation’s energy and climate change woes. It therefore remains critical that New York State not make any decisions about moving forward on fracking until the environmental and public health risks are fully evaluated and addressed.”