Governor’s Two Key Environmental Nominations a Double Success for New York

Grannis, Enck Bring Energy, Experience to Top Posts, Says NRDC
(January 25th, 2007) – Governor Spitzer today announced two significant environmental positions in his administration. Alexander "Pete" Grannis has been nominated as Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Conservation and Judith Enck will be appointed as Deputy Secretary for the Environment.
Below is a statement from Peter Lehner, executive director of the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC),and former chief of the Environmental Protection Bureau under Attorney General Spitzer.
“Governor Spitzer’s appointments are a clear and positive step towards ensuring New York continues to lead the nation on environmental and energy issues.
“Pete Grannis is the right person to invigorate and inspire the thousands of good people who work at the Department of Environmental Conservation. His years of leadership in the New York State Assembly have improved New York’s environment and public health in countless ways. And he will ensure that the agency puts protection of New Yorker’s and their health and environment as the top priority.  New Yorkers now breathe air that does not meet health standards and still should not swim in the Hudson River and many other waters – as Commissioner, Pete will ensure those days are over.
“Judith is an excellent choice to be Deputy Secretary for the Environment. I had the pleasure of working closely with her for eight years in the Environmental Protection Bureau of the Attorney General’s office, and I know that she will do an extraordinary job in her new role. Her deep knowledge of virtually every environmental issue in New York together with her creativity, ability and drive will benefit all New Yorkers.  Each one of New York’s environmental and park agencies should become models of stewardship and clean and efficient energy use – Judith will make that a reality.
Both Judith’s and Pete’s track records show that they will help ensure the success of Governor Spitzer’s bold agenda to advance the protection of our land, our coastal waters, and our quality of life and to increase energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies.”