Granholm’s Grand Clean Energy Vision

NRDC Response to Michigan’s State of the State Address

CHICAGO (February 3, 2009) – Governor Granholm spent nearly one-third of this evening’s State of the State address outlining a new energy vision for the state of Michigan.

Following are comments from Becky Stanfield, Senior Energy Advocate for Natural Resources Defense Council’s Midwest Program and a representative to the Midwest Governor’s Association Greenhouse Gas Accord Advisory Group:

“The policies that Governor Granholm announced today demonstrate that she is serious about rebuilding Michigan’s energy economy to succeed in the 21st Century. She is not only articulating a broad vision for deployment of clean energy technologies, but she is directing her agencies to take concrete steps so that this vision will be a quick reality. This overhaul of the broader utilities sector while broadly deploying wind and solar could vault Michigan into a leadership role for the Midwest and the rest of the nation. Tonight, the Governor staked out a clean energy future for her state---the rest of the Midwest needs to follow her away from the headlong rush to coal that has been so dangerous for the region.”

The Governor’s address can be viewed at