House Blocks Critical Health Protections by Approving ‘Cement’ Bill

NRDC: ‘GOP March of Folly Continues’

WASHINGTON (October 6, 2011) -- The House today approved a dangerous bill that would stop the Environmental Protection Agency’s clean-air safeguards for cement plants, continuing the deadly practice of putting polluters before people’s health.

The following is a statement from John Walke, clean air director at the Natural Resources Defense Council on H.R. 2681:

“The GOP march of folly continues, giving a free pass for the cement industry to continue to spew into our air mercury, soot and smog, and the tea party’s brew of toxic pollution.”

“This cement bill would lead to thousands of deaths, illness and missed school and work days every year.  It also would prevent the estimated 1,300 jobs the rule would create. This is the opposite of a jobs bill.”

And the beat goes on. Up next, the House is expected to vote on H.R. 2250, a similar bill that also is a part of Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s pollution plan. This would block clean air safeguards on incinerators and industrial boilers. If passed, this legislation also would allow even more of this same toxic pollution into the air.

For more details on the consequences of the cement bill passed today and upcoming the incinerator-boiler bill, see John Walke’s blog here:

NRDC Federal Policy Advocate Christina Angelides examines the cement industry here:

For more information on the worst congressional attack on American health safeguards in history, see NRDC President Frances Beinecke’s blog here: and NRDC’s outline of the attack on health here: