House Vote on Keystone Pipeline Shows It Remains in Grip of Big Polluters

But presidential veto would be sustained

WASHINGTON (January 9, 2015) – The Republican-controlled House voted today to pass legislation forcing approval of the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline, for the 10th time in three years, although with too few votes to override a presidential veto.

The following is a statement by Danielle Droitsch, Canada Project director at the Natural Resources Defense Council:

“'The vote’s outcome was a foregone conclusion -- and in keeping with the Big Polluters’ grip on the House GOP leadership since 2011. Here's another foregone conclusion: The proposed Keystone XL pipeline would transport Canadian tar sands oil – the dirtiest fuel on the planet – through America’s heartland to be refined and then shipped abroad. It would threaten our waters, our lands and worsen carbon pollution. It’s not in our national interest. And President Obama is right to promise a veto, which today’s vote shows can be sustained by House members opposed to this dangerous pipeline.”


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