Onda Verde ( Provides Reliable, Current Information About Global Warming, Health, Pollution; Helps Individuals, Families Take Action

LOS ANGELES (July 24, 2006) -- A completely new, Spanish-only website was unveiled today by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). Onda Verde is the first website launched by a major environmental organization, which has been conceived, designed and built specially for the Spanish-speaking Latino community. It is part of NRDC's ongoing efforts to connect, and work, with groups that have not always been included in the nation's health and environmental conversations.

Organized in four distinctive yet overlapping areas -- Nuestro Planeta, Nuestra Comunidad, Nuestros Tesoros and Nuestras Voces -- Onda Verde will provide a constant stream of dependable and up-to-date information about global warming, children's health, water pollution and many other issues directly affecting the daily lives and well-being of the U.S. Latino population.

"Latinos want to be informed and involved in decisions affecting their environment," said Adrianna Quintero, NRDC's director of Latino Advocacy and Outreach. "NRDC wants to be able to provide this information and access to the Spanish-speaking community."

In its 2004 report, "Hidden Danger: Environmental Health Threats in the Latino Community" (available at, NRDC found that many Latinos suffer more from environmental health problems than the general population.

Among the many resources available at Onda Verde, Spanish-speaking Latinos will discover how air pollution affects their kids' asthma, how to save on gas, how to help preserve endangered areas in Latin America, and how children can help to make their home, school and community a better and cleaner place. Onda Verde will also help to amplify Latino voices, giving them a chance to take action and let local and national leaders know that they care about environmental decisions.

Since 1970, NRDC has been developing enormous resources in terms of scientific data and environmental studies. It has a full staff of scientists, specialized lawyers and environmental specialists working from offices in New York, Washington, San Francisco and Los Angeles. NRDC also has a number of conservation projects in Latin America. Working with the Washington, D.C.-based communications firm Elevación, NRDC was able to make full use of its data and the expertise of its personnel, putting together a new website to provide the Latino community with accurate environmental information in Spanish: Onda Verde, at