NRDC Brings New Renewable Energy and Siting Expertise to San Francisco Office

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif (August 18, 2010) – The Natural Resources Defense Council is pleased to introduce Carl Zichella as its new Director of Western Transmission.

In his new role, Zichella will help lead NRDC’s efforts to ensure that environmental protections are fully evaluated in siting and transmission planning across the West. He will join an extensive team of NRDC energy, climate and natural resource experts working to identify the right places for renewable energy generation and transmission projects, and increase the production and use of clean energy sources.

“NRDC is truly fortunate to add an environmentalist of Carl’s stature to our renewable energy team,” said Johanna Wald, Director of NRDC’s Western Renewables Project. “With his breadth of experience and his deep knowledge of transmission policy, Carl will significantly expand our ongoing work to identify appropriate places for renewable energy projects, including transmission, while protecting our wildlife and wildlands.”

Zichella is nationally known for his leadership on issues involving the connection between renewable energy and land conservation. As of July of this year, he served as Sierra Club’s Director of Western Renewable Programs where he was responsible for overseeing the organization’s work on renewable energy siting and transmission issues.

His career at the Sierra Club spans more than 20 years including serving as the organization’s regional director for California, Nevada and Hawaii from 2000-2008, and for the Midwest from 1987-2000. 

“I am delighted to join NRDC and its renewable energy team,” said Carl Zichella, Director of Western Transmission. “I have worked closely with NRDC staff for years on national policies and within California, and I look forward to this new relationship.”