NRDC Counters Cheney Energy Speech With TV Commercial Blasting President for Breaking Pledge to Cut Power Plant Pollution

Group also establishes new Climate Center to build support for addressing global warming

NEW YORK (May 3, 2001) - Calling Vice President Cheney's prescription for U.S. energy policy the "more pollution solution," NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) today began airing a paid television ad blasting President Bush for breaking his campaign pledge to reduce global-warming-causing carbon dioxide emissions from power plants. On Monday, the vice president outlined the Bush administration's energy plans, which call for increased reliance on coal - the dirtiest of the fossil fuels.

NRDC also announced today it has established the NRDC Climate Center to challenge the Bush administration's attempts to scuttle the international treaty on global warming. The center will combine top-notch science resources with a strong legal team and the latest in Internet-based activism.

"The administration's solution to our energy problems is to drill more wells and burn more coal, which will make the global warming problem worse," said Gregory Wetstone, NRDC's director of advocacy. "But even this pollution solution is 10 years away from providing more energy. Meanwhile, it's faster, cheaper and cleaner to meet our energy needs by increasing energy efficiency and increasing our use of renewable energy technologies."

The television spot opens with a mansion's gate opening, revealing a long driveway. Under a music score, a voiceover says: "The oil and coal lobby contributed millions to its new leader." As the camera pulls back to reveal that the mansion in question is the White House, the voiceover says: "Problem is, he's also our president." The spot ends by urging people to go to NRDC's Internet site where they can tell the president "not to break his campaign promise to clean up global warming pollution."

The ad, prepared by Underground Advertising in San Francisco, will have a three-week run beginning today on cable networks on systems in New York; Washington, D.C.; Denver; Baltimore; Tallahassee; St. Petersburg; Philadelphia; Portland, Maine; Portland, Oregon; Raleigh, and Concord, New Hampshire. The ad comes on the heels of another by NRDC -- its first ever -- voicing opposition to the president's plan to drill for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

"This television ad marks the beginning of NRDC Climate Center's effort to hold public officials accountable for their positions on global warming and provide citizens with solid information on solutions," said David Hawkins, director of the center.

"Although the center will be grounded in the most current science and economics, it will be decidedly campaign-oriented," he added. "NRDC will use the center to mobilize public opinion by developing state-of-the-art communications strategies to deliver the truth about global warming to the public and demonstrate support for strong action to attack the threat."