NRDC Statement on President Obama’s Energy Efficiency Announcement

WASHINGTON (February 5, 2009) -- President Obama announced that he is going to sign a presidential memorandum requesting that the Department of Energy set new efficiency standards for common household appliances. The president explained that through this action the Department of Energy will save in 30 years the amount of energy produced by all the coal-fired power plants in America over a two-year period. 
Statement by Frances Beinecke, President of the Natural Resources Defense Council:  

“This dramatic change in energy policy will greatly improve America's approach to energy efficiency and move America toward a clean energy future. Standards for appliances and equipment will save consumers hundreds of billions of dollars and greatly reduce America’s global warming pollution. Strengthening efficiency standards is one of the most effective policies the government can use to increase energy efficiency-- the cheapest, cleanest and fastest energy source. In the last eight years, the Department of Energy has set or updated four new standards, and the new administration will set or update at least six times this amount. With this announcement, the Obama administration re-affirmed its commitment to repower America with clean energy that will jump-start the economy, strengthen our energy security and help solve our climate crisis.”