NRDC Will Push for 100% Clean Electricity Legislation Next Year

SACRAMENTO, CA – The California legislature adjourned for the year without passing legislation to establish the goal that 100 percent of the electricity powering the state’s homes and businesses would be generated from pollution-free resources by 2045.

Supporters of SB 100 vowed to press in the second half of the two-year session to codify the target.

Following is a statement from Peter Miller, western energy project director at the Natural Resources Defense Council: 

“California already has the most ambitious carbon pollution reduction targets in North America and strong requirements for the use of renewable energy in the electricity powering our homes and businesses. And while the 100 percent zero-carbon legislation won’t advance this year despite broad and diverse support, California is already ahead of schedule in meeting our current targets for adding renewables to the electricity generation mix.

“We’re going to work hard in the second half of the legislative session to push those goals to 100 percent pollution-free energy by 2045. There’s no doubt in California that clean energy means lower utility bills, cleaner air, well-paying jobs and a prosperous economy.”


The most recent NRDC blogs on the topic can be found here:

California: America’s Climate Leader” by NRDC President Rhea Suh.

California Should Adopt Mandate for 100% GHG-Free Electricity” by Peter Miller.