President Obama's Jobs Plan is a Good Start

NRDC: Putting People Back to Work Doesn't Require Sacrificing Our Health or Environment

WASHINGTON (September 8, 2011) – President Obama took a solid first step toward putting America's economy back on track, but more needs to be done, according to the Natural Resources Defense Council.

Following is a statement by Frances Beinecke, president of NRDC:

“President Obama has presented a real plan to get Americans back to work - unlike Republican leaders in Congress whose so-called jobs agenda would destroy our environmental and health safeguards.

“We can put Americans back to work and still protect public health. To pretend that we must choose one or another is a false choice that needlessly puts workers and their families at risk.

“The next step is to build on the president’s plans by fully embracing clean energy jobs.”

For Beinecke’s blogs on clean energy jobs and the GOP’s congressional assault on the environment, see: