Putting America’s Fiscal House in Order Requires a Balanced Approach

NRDC: President Obama is Right, Time to Set Aside Partisanship Politics

WASHINGTON (November 9, 2012) —Following President Obama’s live statement  today, David Goldston, director of government affairs at the Natural Resources Defense Council, issued this statement:

“President Obama is right. It’s time to set aside partisan politics. Avoiding the fiscal cliff will require making tough choices. But as Congress tackles our budget deficit and works to put our fiscal house in order, it must adopt a balanced approach. Any plan to reduce the deficit must include new revenues.  The budget cannot be balanced by slashing programs that protect our air, water, lands and health – programs that already are being cut. It should step up our investments in job-creating, clean and renewable sources of energy—and end outdated public subsidies to the dirty fuels industry.”