Reason Prevails in the Senate on Three Key Environmental Votes

Lawmakers Reject Expanding Offshore Drilling, Keystone XL Approval and Clean Air Rollbacks

WASHINGTON (March 8, 2012) – Reason prevailed today as the Senate rejected three major anti-environmental amendments. Lawmakers defeated efforts to expand offshore oil drilling, roll back Clean Air Act protections on pollution from boilers, and force approval of the dangerous Keystone XL tar sands pipeline.

“The Senate chose public health, clean air and clean energy over the polluter agenda pushed by Republican leaders. These are major victories that should clear the way for the transportation bill that should never have been weighed down by these unrelated issues,” said Scott Slesinger, legislative director at the Natural Resources Defense Council.

“Backers of the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline just don’t seem to get it: the country does not want a rush to judgment when it comes to building a massive dirty energy project through our heartlands that would be so damaging to our climate, water, land and health,” said Susan Casey-Lefkowitz, director of International Programs at the Natural Resources Defense Council.

“The proposed amendment by Sen. John Hoeven, R-N.D., is a failed attempt to subvert an orderly process designed to protect the public’s safety, health, and economic well being. The Keystone XL tar sands pipeline is in the oil industry’s interest, not in the public interest. This dirty energy project would worsen climate change, increase the chances of oil spills, and raise oil prices – all so that tar sands companies can get export tar sands from the Gulf,” Casey-Lefkowitz said.

For more information see Susan’s most recent blog post:  Victory in the Senate: No revival of the rejected Keystone XL tar sands pipeline