Regardless of Approval, Northern Gateway Tar Sands Pipeline Will Likely Never Be Built

WASHINGTON (June 17, 2014) -- With the announcement that the Canadian federal government would approve Enbridge’s Proposed Northern Gateway tar sands pipeline to British Columbia, First Nations and environmental advocates reacted with the following statements:

Dr. Tzeporah Berman, Canadian author and environmentalist: “Just like Keystone XL, the Northern Gateway pipeline faces widespread opposition from the people whose land, water, and livelihoods would be threatened by the prospect of a disastrous tar sands spill. Regardless of the Harper Administration’s approval, that opposition is only growing stronger. Mayors don't want it. Unions don't want it. First Nations across BC don't want it. Scientists don't want it. The only people in BC who want this pipeline are Enbridge and the Harper government. This pipeline will not be built.”

Art Sterrit, of the Coastal First Nations: “Regardless of this decision, the Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline will be never be built, because First Nations and others in British Columbia won't allow it, and they have the legal power to prevent it. This pipeline is doomed because it is highly risky and provides no reward to the people being asked to bear that risk.”

Elizabeth Shope, Advocate at the Natural Resources Defense Council: “This decision represents the first and lowest hurdle in a long race for Northern Gateway that its backers are unlikely to finish. Despite the noise today, it is near certain that this pipeline won’t be built. More than 130 First Nations and the majority of British Columbians reject this project and the unnecessary risks it burdens them with. The Harper government cannot change climate and safety concerns that surround the tar sands industry on both sides of the border.”

For more information about this decision and the future of the Northern Gateway pipeline, read Elizabeth Shope’s blog, “Canada Approves Northern Gateway Tar Sands Pipeline, But This Doesn’t Mean It Will Be Built”:


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