Reps. Waxman, Blumenauer and Sen. Whitehouse Spotlight Need to Reduce Threat of Climate Change

WASHINGTON (March 12, 2013) – Representatives Henry Waxman of California and Earl Blumenauer of Oregon, and Senator Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island, today proposed legislation aimed at curbing climate change. Franz Matzner, associate director of government affairs for the Natural Resources Defense Council, issued this statement:

“The nation owes a debt of gratitude to Representatives Waxman and Blumenauer and Senator Whitehouse. Together, they are working to address the central environmental challenge of our time - for the sake of our children and the world they will inherit.

"Their important marker should help jump-start vitally needed Congressional action on climate change. It rightly sets aggressive goals and builds on the progress already underway to clean up pollution from our cars, trucks and new power plants.

“Confronting climate change, though, will require the use of current authority to cut emissions, in addition to complementary measures such as those in the draft bill. The administration should move ahead with steps that curb carbon pollution from existing power plants through common sense standards under the Clean Air Act.

“We stand ready to work with Congress and the Administration to protect our communities, our economy and our future. There’s no time to waste.”