Robert Redford Takes To Airwaves in National Fight for the Environment

Redford Featured in Radio Campaign Against Bush Administration Environmental Policies

WASHINGTON (April 12, 2004) -- NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) today announced the launch of a nationwide radio campaign featuring Robert Redford on the critical environmental issues facing the country. The advertisements are part of a national effort to mobilize opposition to destructive Bush administration environmental policies.

"America is facing many tough environmental challenges in states all across the nation," said Redford. "Because of pending Bush administration policies, we all need to pay attention and take action to protect what we have, including our health and safety. If this ad can call attention to the facts, I'm proud to be part of the project."

The facts are not pretty. For example, the Bush EPA is weakening efforts to clean up mercury emissions from the nation's 1,100 coal-fired power plants, the largest unregulated industrial source of mercury. The agency wants to allow coal-fired power plants to emit seven times more mercury for at least 15 more years than allowed by current law. Mercury pollution from power plants and other sources pollutes our waters and contaminates fish, which, when consumed, can lead to serious health problems for pregnant women, fetuses and infants.

The EPA also has weakened enforcement of our water protections and want to legalize the dumping of inadequately treated sewage into lakes, rivers and underground wells, threatening drinking water supplies for millions of Americans.

The radio spot, titled "Listen," describes the harmful effects of pollution and how Bush administration policies threaten the environment and public health.

"After decades of progress, America is now moving backwards on the environment," said Greg Wetstone, NRDC's advocacy director. "The Bush administration is making the problem worse by again and again siding with corporate polluters at the expense of American families' health and our natural resources."

The radio ads are a key part of a broader national NRDC education outreach effort in several states.

The Redford ads began airing on April 6 in New Mexico and will begin on April 12 in Michigan and Florida. They will air for three consecutive weeks in the following markets: Tampa Area, FL (WWRM-FM, WFLZ-FM, WPOI-FM, WLLD-FM); Orlando, FL (WOMX-FM, WMGF-FM, WXXL-FM); Lansing, MI (WVIC-FM, WFMK-FM, WHZZ-FM); Ann Arbor, MI (WQKL-FM, WWWW-FM); Albuquerque, NM (KPEK-FM, KMGA-FM, KKOB-FM).

For more information about the NRDC campaign in states across the country, please visit